Wednesday, 13 June 2012

God save the Queen!

So last week started and the previous before that ended with the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations.  Celebrations started on saturday 2nd. Milad came here as I were home alone (host family left for a holiday) she stayed over till tuesday.

Looks like I'm having the whole cake even tho it were the same size as Milad's! xD

Saturday we first went to get some things from the shop and later had a dinner and just listened music and talked. After we head down to the village to the pub for one drink but decided quite quickly afterwards to come back and do something back here.

On sunday night we went out to the club next village coz they had some special night.. There were quite many people so we had a nice evening dancing!

Monday the original plan were to go and see the free concert thing infront of Buckingham palace but as we were abit tired from last night we decided to save money and stay here. Tho we went to this local happening at the farm near here. They had a huge bonfire, music and BBQ.

When we left we were quite tipsy and the way we walked back goes through the forest and in the night time you can imaging how dark it were! xD

So we walked in total darkness the weirdest thing counting the facts we had had few drinks and it were dark we didn't fall down! :D So we got to the village after that and went to the pub were Milad's working and sat there for while before bed started to call us! :)

Had so much fun! <3

Tuesday and wednesday I spent alone coz I had to do some household stuff before leaving to London on thursday morning, but more of that on the next post!

Next time byes!

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