Monday 22 February 2010

Back in the business! I was supposed to do an new entry at friday but I got sick..:P but now getting better luckily.. I got 39*c fever the whole saturday and sunday so it was quite high.. and my every muscle especially my back and neck were totally killing me...>3< So i've been looking like half dead home mom with my hair pulled up on a messy ponytail and with this huge cardigan and nightgown on the last three days..XDD It's no wonder i got this sick coz i've been doing long school days and sleeped too little and the last time i was sick was probably a year ago..:P

I made an new layout last week! :D got bored to that old one.. what do think? ^^
Got inspired by my necklace and the new top i bought..:D those pics in the header r pendants from the necklace..:D

Like i said earlyer been hanging around at school alot last week, been busy at coloring those characters to that animation of our's..:D and this week i should start animating it..:D coz of that it was good that i got sick at weekend..^^

Now i should write that 20 page long raport that we have to do about our degree work..>3< i hate writing things like that! well have to do what have to do..:P
Byee byee!! ^3^


  1. *ww* toi näuyttää niin ihanalta toi vaaleanpunainen huppari ´3`

  2. kiits! ^^ kävin itteni kans kauheeta kädenvääntöö siitä et ottaako ton pinksun vai semmose mintun vihree..:DD ja tuohon sitte päädyin..:D

  3. aa nonni no sehä ei olis sit niin paha hyvinkäält tulla :--P mä en kyl nyt usko et meen koska mun sisko meneeki kaverin kanssa mut en tiiä olisko siel ees ollu mulle mitään ku en korealaista musaa niin paljoo kuuntele.. ^^ olis silti ollu kiva dänssäää vähä :DD

  4. nii joo mut no ei mullakaa ois ollu ketää kenen kans mennä ellei ny si ois teitin kans hengaillu..:P ^^

  5. Aa niinnno totta, ajattelin jotenki automaattisesti et oot tulos jonku toisen kaa ^^ mut kyl mulle ainaki käy jos oot tulossa. Ilmottele! Ei mulle oo nimittäi nii suuri vaiva mennä ku tääl asun XD..

  6. nii nii..:D joo mä mietin ja ilmoon si..:D
