Saturday, 5 March 2011

New lenses and books!

Ordered two pairs of new lenses from and got them this week..:D

First ones GEO Angel Blue:

 The ones I have in brown too.

And the others EOS Candy Brown:

We'll see how these looks on me coz of my blue eyes it's eather weird looking 
or it could look nice two toned if the colors blend together nicely..^^

Later pics of me wearing them..^^

Then I ordered few books Graham Greene's Brighton Rock and Terry Pratchett's Mort and Hogfather..:)

Had to get that Brighton Rock in my hands after seeing the movie coz it were so awesome..:) 
aaand and with Sam Riley on the cover <3 ^^

Just a quick entry this time later byes! ^3^


  1. want to hear about those books, please when you finish them let us know if they are good or not :D

  2. Yeah I will! ^^ atleast I can already say that the Hogfather is great, coz I've red it once before..^^ And knowing Pratchetts books I'm sure that the Mort is good too..:D

  3. Pics of wear lens please >__<
    i wants to see the effect in blue eye ..

  4. Kevin: In this post there's the pics: ^^
