Monday, 26 March 2012

Weekend with Milad!

Hey ya'll! On friday me and Milad my au pair 'soul sister' had a night out at the bigger village nearby.. We went to this so cozy and lovely bub in Beaconsfield with one of Milad's friend as our driver.. Had so much fun! 


On saturday as the days have been so summerish we had a picnic at the duck pond in the center of the village bought ice-cream, fruits and candy and just layed on the grass sun bathing and talking the whole afternoon! 


Later on saturday I had babysitting evening at 'home'.

Sunday I had planned to go to London to see British Museum and just hang around but as we were talking on friday Milad wanted to join me so we went together and spent the day going around the museum and after that some shopping! :D  

 The thing says 'Do not sit on the stairs' Uuups! We weren't the only ones tho! :D

 'Dum dum gimme some gum gum!'

 That you lot is the Cleopatra! 8)

My lovely companion Milad.. And to be honest this was an attempt to take a pic of R Patss look alike guy! He's there but not that you could really tell he looks like him! hehe 

Outfit of the day:

 Going back home..

Probably that will be our plan for next sunday too minus the museum and plus some sitting in hyde park if the weather is nice! :D  

Next time byes!


  1. You look so nice! :D :D I love your hair and dress!

  2. Oh i wanna go back to London *__* its such a beautiful city !

    1. Yeah love it too in many different ways! :)
