Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Gal meeting ahead!

Soo this weeks saturday is the next gal meeting and this time I'm able to go so yey! :D can't wait can't wait! waiting to see my friends and hopeing to get some new friends..:D hopefully the saturday will be nice and fun!
 By the way the everytime what to wear? how to do my hair and make up? stress pushing it's way to my little mind.. why does it always feel in these situations that ur closet full of clothes contains nothing..8DD well I have still few days to think my head of with this..:D

But now to the last week which was pretty much swimming, swimming hmm and swimming..:D On thursday we went to visit my cousins again to Virrat and on saturday me and my sister went to watch the Inception. The movie was so awesome! all the special effects, plot and everything! <3 I could go watch it straight away again..:D

At my cousins cottage at evening we went to fishing or actually my dad were fishing and I just sat there with my cousins on board..there was this beautifull sunset and I took maaany pics of it got little excited and at the end my phones battery ended..XD

Then outfits from last week..


I tested few hairstyles and meiku last week too and here's pics of them..
little messy coz it was just a quick test, but both of these kinda styles 
I've been watching on popteen maaany times and wanted to try coz they looked so cute..^^

and then the make up test..
wanted to try something with falsies coz usually I don't use them.. 
so this was the result.. good? bad? :)

And now sleepy sleepy..:D byes!


  1. mäki oon tulos gal meetupiin ! (^_____^)/
    toi kukkamekko on tosi sulonen~! laita se miittiin :)

  2. hyvä hyvä! ^3^ kiits.. sitä oon miettiny kyl yhtenä vaihtoehtona..:DDD
